Doctor Steven Frohlinger

Parent of the Year



We are honored to recognize Doctor Steven Frohlinger at this year's Dinner Event for his outstanding dedication, leadership, and service to our community. Doctor Steven Frohlinger has been an integral part of our organization for over 10 years, demonstrating an unwavering commitment.

Doctor Steven Frohlinger has made significant contributions in the field of Medicine, where he has ran the Hospital Pediatric Department for the past 20 years. His passion for the Toronto Cheder, along with their ability to inspire and mobilize others, has set them apart as a true leader.

Beyond their professional achievements, Doctor Steven Frohlinger is deeply involved in numerous philanthropic efforts, including the Toronto Kollel, the Toronto Shabbos Meal Program. His dedication to the Toronto Cheder reflects his belief in the importance of giving back and making a lasting impact.

Doctor Steven Frohlinger resides in Toronto with his wife and 7 children, where they continue to inspire those around them with their kindness, integrity, and vision for a brighter future. Their legacy is one of dedication, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in all they do.

Tonight, we celebrate Doctor Steven Frohlinger not only for their achievements but also for their heart and spirit that have made a profound difference in our community. We are grateful for his continued support and leadership, and we look forward to honoring him for many years to come.

Please join us in congratulating Doctor Steven Frohlinger as we recognize his remarkable contributions and celebrate his impact on our community.